!!!!About us

BlueLink.info is a regional e-magazine for Central and Eastern Europe for watchdog journalism, covering: the rights and voices of underrepresented groups and minorities; equity and social justice; democracy and responsible government; corporate interference with democracy and civil society;  green economy; and nature protection.

The pillars of our editorial ideology shape the architecture of BlueLink.info:

  • We tell the everyday human stories of place-space-time where humanistic, cultural, progressive and democratic values of united Europe meet diversity, creativity and local culture.
  • We aim to deliver factual and punctual information, balance viewpoints, separate fact from opinion and aways be honest to our readers and viewers. BlueLink opposes hate speech, intolerance and extremism – whether religious or market, mass  consumption and exploitation of common resources, dictatorship and war.
  • We keep an eye on problems detect and investigate their causes.
  • We also purposefully seek solutions. We are confident that change to the better is possible and it is in our hands as people, citizens and journalists.

BlueLink.info adheres to the Code of Ethics of Bulgarian media.

BlueLink.info was launched in the summer of 2016 as the English language version of Evromegdan.bg – the virtual newsroom of BlueLink – the Civic Action Network in Bulgaria.


BlueLink.info is published by the BlueLink Foundation as a part of the foundation’s activities for pursuing its mission: to support the strategic use of the Internet for strengthening democracy, civil society, European values and nature protection. BlueLink.info is an independent publication and its editorial content does not necessarily reflect the views and institutional policies of the BlueLink Foundation, its donors, founders and partners.


Editorial Team

Pavel Antonov, PhD – Executive Editor and BlueLink Co-founder

Velina Barova – Deputy Editor

Journalists: see the full list of authors.

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